Harry L. and Gretchen Billings interview, 1974.
Related Entities
There are 2 Entities related to this resource.
Billings, Gretchen
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6zw2884 (person)
Billings, Harry L., 1913-1990
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w66q2k6d (person)
Harry Billings was a lineman for Iowa Electric Light and Power Company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He was an officer in the company union and an activist in the drive by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to organize his company in the 1930s. The Iowa Railway and Light Company changed its name to Iowa Electric Light and Power Company in 1932. From the description of Reminiscence on unionizing Iowa Electric Light and Power Company in Cedar Rapids, Iowa : holograph. [1977?]...